

Having existed in ancient times, descended from antiquity; (used especially in reference to Greece and Rome).

Belonging to former times, not modern, out of date, old-fashioned.

(typography) (typography) Designating a style of type.

(bookbinding) Embossed without gilt.

Of color: subdued, as if faded over time.

📑 Synonyms: old

(obsolete) Antic.

(obsolete) Fantastic, odd, wild, antic.

In general, anything very old.

An old object perceived as having value because of its aesthetic or historical significance.

An object of ancient times.

The style or manner of ancient times, (used especially of Greek and Roman art).

(figuratively, mildly derogatory) An old person.

(obsolete) A man of ancient times.

(typography) A style of type of thick and bold face in which all lines are of equal or nearly equal thickness.

(obsolete) Antic.

(obsolete) Grotesque entertainment; an antic.

(obsolete) A performer in an antic; or in general, a burlesque performer, a buffoon.

To search or shop for antiques.

To make (an object) appear to be an antique in some way.

(bookbinding) To emboss without gilding.