Terms and Conditions

Word Warriors is in alpha testing. This means things may go wrong. You may lose your account or encounter bugs. We make no guarantees about the service in its current state.

This is a cool game so there aren't many rules. Be nice. Have fun. Make sure to study hard, and learn your words.

Player names, Lesson titles, and Syllabus titles that are deemed offensive will be changed. It is our sole discretion what counts as offensive.

Abuse of the service will result in termination of your account.

Quotations and books are historical and for educational purposes. We do not endorse any quotation or book, nor its content. Nor we do own its content.

Some of our definitions are based on works from the public domain, Creative Commons license, or GNU license. Definitions that are not from these sources are copyrighted (©) by us, Word Warriors.

Free accounts, aka "Standard" accounts that have never purchased Word Warriors Pro, may be auto-removed after 1 year of inactivity.

You may delete your account by going to Settings, clicking the "Delete Your Account" button, and agreeing to the warning prompt.

Deleting your account will permanently remove all of your data including your custom Lessons and Syllabuses.

For additional information see our Privacy Policy.