

Physically obstructed, sealed, etc.

Made impassable.

Sealed or covered.

Physically drawn together, folded or contracted.

(of valve or damper) In a position preventing fluid from flowing.

Not available for operation, participation, interaction, etc.

Not available for use or operation.

(of a store or business) Not operating or conducting trade.

Not allowing entrance to visitors or the public.

Not receptive.

Not public.

(of a file, document, etc.) Not in current use; not connected to as a resource.

{{cap|completed}}, finalised.

{{cap|settled}}; decided or determined; withdrawn from consideration.

Having one end joined to the other, forming a completed loop.

(of a switch or circuit breaker) In a position allowing electricity to flow.

(of a walk) Whose first and last vertices are the same, forming a closed loop.

(of a set) Having an open complement.

(of a set) Such that its image under the specified operation is contained in it.

(of a formula) Lacking a free variable.

(phonology) Formed by closing the mouth and nose passages completely, like the consonants /t/, /d/{{,}} and /p/.

(phonology) Having the sound cut off sharply by a following consonant, like the /ɪ/ in (pin).

(of a multi-word compound) Having component words joined together without spaces or hyphens; for example, ''timeslot'' as opposed to ''time slot'' or ''time-slot''.

(heraldry) (close).

(sports) Of a club, bat or other hitting implement, angled downwards and/or (for a right-hander) anticlockwise of straight.
