Unified; sticking together; making up a whole.
Orderly, logical and consistent.
Aesthetically ordered.
Having a natural or due agreement of parts; harmonious: a coherent design.
(physics) Of waves having the same direction, wavelength and phase, as light in a laser.
(botany) Attaching or pressing against an organ of the same nature.
(of a sheaf) Belonging to a specific class of sheaves having particularly manageable properties closely linked to the geometrical properties of the underlying space. See {{pedia|Coherent sheaf}}
{{lb|en|topology|of a topology \mathcal{T} on a set T with respect to a family \{ C_a \} of subsets of T}} In a technical sense, determined by the (topology of) the subsets. Formally, Such that \mathcal{T} is the finest topology on T for which the inclusion maps \iota_a:C_a \to T are continuous, where each C_a is considered with its subspace topology.
(of a module) Finitely generated and such that all finitely generated submodules are finitely presented.
(of a ring) Such that every finitely generated (left) ideal is finitely presented.