(rare) To study or examine carefully, especially in order to gain knowledge of; to learn, or learn by heart.
(obsolete) To know; understand; acknowledge.
A disadvantage of something, especially when contrasted with its advantages (''pros'').
(slang) A convicted criminal, a convict.
(informal) A fraud; something carried out with the intention of deceiving, usually for personal, often illegal, gain.
(trick or defraud) (informal) To trick, lie or defraud, usually for personal gain.
(direct a ship)
(navigational direction of a ship)
(informal) An organized gathering, such as a convention, conference{{,}} or congress.
(informal) The conversion of part of a building.
(obsolete) Consumption; pulmonary tuberculosis. {{rfv-sense|en}}
(obsolete) Squirrel, particularly the red squirrel. {{rfv-sense|en}}
(obsolete) A squirrel's nest. {{rfv-sense|en}}
(abbreviation) A political conservative. {{rfv-sense|en}}
(marketing) (nodot=1): (nocap=1). {{rfv-sense|en}}
(marketing) (nodot=1): (nocap=1). {{rfv-sense|en}}