

(to form cracks) To form cracks.

To break apart under force, stress, or pressure.

To become debilitated by psychological pressure.

To break down or yield, especially under interrogation or torture.

To make a cracking sound.

(of a voice) To change rapidly in register.

(of a pubescent boy's voice) To alternate between high and low register in the process of eventually lowering.

To make a sharply humorous comment.

(realize one is transgender) To realize that one is transgender.

To make a crack or cracks in.

To break open or crush to small pieces by impact or stress.

To strike forcefully.

To open slightly.

(figurative) To cause to yield under interrogation or other pressure.

(figurative) To solve a difficult problem.

To overcome a security system or component.

To cause to make a sharp sound.

To tell (a joke).

(chemistry) To break down (a complex molecule), especially with the application of heat: to pyrolyse.

(computing) To circumvent software restrictions such as regional coding or time limits.

(informal) To open a canned beverage, or any packaged drink or food.

(obsolete) To brag; to boast.

(colloquial) To be ruined or impaired; to fail.

(colloquial) To barely reach or attain (a measurement or extent).

(thin space opened in a previously solid material) A thin and usually jagged space opened in a previously solid material.

📑 Synonyms: crevice fissure

A narrow opening.

A sharply humorous comment; a wisecrack.

(cocaine) (slang) {{cap|crack cocaine}}, a potent, relatively cheap, addictive variety of cocaine; often a rock, usually smoked through a crack-pipe.

📑 Synonyms: crack rock hard

(humorous) Something good-tasting or habit-forming.

(onomatopoeia) The sharp sound made when solid material breaks.

(onomatopoeia) Any sharp sound.

A sharp, resounding blow.

(informal) An attempt at something.

(slang) The vagina.

📑 Synonyms: crevice gash Thesaurus:vagina

(informal) The space between the buttocks.

(companionability) (Ireland) Conviviality; fun; good conversation, chat, gossip, or humorous storytelling; good company.

(Ireland) Business; events; news.

(computing) A program or procedure designed to circumvent restrictions or usage limits on software.

(dated) An expanding circle of white water surrounding the site of a large explosion at shallow depth, marking the progress of the shock wave through the air above the water.[[File:Crossroads baker explosion.jpg|thumb|A nuclear explosion in shallow water; the crack is clearly visible on the water's surface.]]

(elsewhere throughout the North of the UK) a meaningful chat.

(Internet slang) Extremely silly, absurd or off-the-wall ideas or prose.

The tone of voice when changed at puberty.

(mental flaw) (archaic) A mental flaw; a touch of craziness; partial insanity.

(archaic) A crazy or crack-brained person.

📑 Synonyms: crackpot

(obsolete) A boast; boasting.

📑 Synonyms: brag vaunt

(obsolete) Breach of chastity.

(obsolete) A boy, generally a pert, lively boy.

📑 Synonyms: pistol

(UK) A brief time; an instant; a jiffy.

(dated) The act of hitting on someone.

(trained) Highly trained and competent.

Excellent, first-rate, superior, top-notch.

(best) (obsolete) One who excels; the best.