

{{en-comparative of|duff}}

(informal) An incompetent, indolent, or clumsy person.

(sports) A player having little skill, especially a golfer who duffs.

(archaic) A pedlar or hawker, especially one selling cheap or substandard goods.

(archaic) Cheap or substandard goods sold by a duffer.

(archaic) Anything substandard, such as a counterfeit or a defective instance.

(dated) A cow that does not produce milk or produces substantially less than her peers do.

📑 Synonyms: strapper q1=archaic

(dated) A cattle thief or thief of other livestock; one who alters the brands of cattle.

A racing pigeon that does not perform well.

(entomology) Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus ''Discophora''.