(ing) more fat than usual on one's body; plump; not lean or thin.
{{U|thick}}; large.
{{U|bulbous}}; rotund.
Oily; greasy; unctuous; rich {{q|said of food}}.
(obsolete) Exhibiting the qualities of a fat animal; coarse; heavy; gross; dull; stupid.
{{U|fertile}}; productive.
Rich; producing a large income; desirable.
Abounding in riches; affluent; fortunate.
(printing) Of a character which enables the compositor to make large wages; said of matter containing blank, cuts, or many leads, etc.
(golf) Being a shot in which the ground is struck before the ball.
(theatre) Of a role: significant; major; meaty.
(slang) Being greatly or substantially such; real.
(computing) Carrying additional data or functionality.
(adipose tissue, in situ) A specialized animal tissue with high lipid content, used for long-term storage of energy: fat tissue.
(adipose tissue, as food) Such tissue as food: the fatty portion of (or trimmings from) meat cuts.
(lipid that is solid at room temperature) A lipid that is solid at room temperature, which fat tissue contains and which is also found in the blood circulation; sometimes, a refined substance chemically resembling such naturally occurring lipids.
That part of an organization deemed wasteful.
(slang) An erection.
(golf) A poorly played shot where the ball is struck by the top part of the club head. (see also thin, shank, toe)
The best or richest productions; the best part.
(printing) Work containing much blank, or its equivalent, and therefore profitable to the compositor.
(derogatory) A fat person.
A beef cattle fattened for sale.
(archaic) To make fat; to fatten.
(archaic) To become fat; to fatten.
(golf) To hit {{gloss|a golf ball}} with a fat shot.
(obsolete) A large tub or vessel for water, wine, or other liquids; a cistern.
(obsolete) A dry measure, generally equal to nine bushels.