(Q193607) (pejorative) A person with poor judgment or little intelligence.
(historical) A jester; a person whose role was to entertain a sovereign and the court (or lower personages).
(literature)(Stock characters) A stock character typified by unintelligence, naïveté or lucklessness, usually as a form of comic relief; often used as a source of insight or pathos for the audience, as such characters are generally less bound by social expectations.
Someone who has been made a fool of or tricked; dupe.
(informal) Someone who derives pleasure from something specified.
(Hispanic) {{ng|An informal greeting akin to buddy, dude, or man.}}
(Fool) A particular card in a tarot deck, representing a jester.
To trick; to deceive.
To act in an idiotic manner; to act foolishly.
(archaic) To make a fool of; to make act the fool.
(informal) Foolish.
(cooking) A type of dessert made of puréed fruit and custard or cream.