An opening in anything made by breaking or parting.
An opening allowing passage or entrance.
An opening that implies a breach or defect.
A vacant space or time.
A hiatus, a pause in something which is otherwise continuous.
A vacancy, deficit, absence, or lack.
A mountain or hill pass.
(Sussex) A sheltered area of coast between two cliffs (mostly restricted to place names).
(baseball) The regions between the outfielders.
(for a medical or pharmacy item) The shortfall between the amount the medical insurer will pay to the service provider and the scheduled fee for the item.
{{lb|en|AU|usually written as ("the gap")}} The disparity between the indigenous and non-indigenous communities with regard to life expectancy, education, health, etc.
(genetics) An unsequenced region in a sequence alignment.
(euphemistic) The vagina.
To notch, as a sword or knife.
To make an opening in; to breach.
To check the size of a gap.
(surpass) (racing) To surpass (someone or something) by a considerable margin.
(slang) To leave suddenly.
To fall or spill open so as to leave a gap.
(gup) {{gloss|elected head of a gewog in Bhutan}}
(dated) To stare or gape.