{{non-gloss|Senses relating to cutting tools.}}
A chisel with a curved blade for cutting or scooping channels, grooves, or holes in wood, stone, etc.
A bookbinder's tool with a curved face, used for blind tooling or gilding.
An incising tool that cuts blanks or forms for envelopes, gloves, etc., from leather, paper, or other materials.
A cut or groove, as left by a gouge or something sharp.
(colloquial) An act of gouging.
(slang) A cheat, a fraud; an imposition.
(slang) An impostor.
(mining) Soft material lying between the wall of a vein and the solid vein of ore.
To make a groove, hole, or mark in by scooping with or as if with a gouge.
To cheat or impose upon; in particular, to charge an unfairly or unreasonably high price.
To dig or scoop (something) out with or as if with a gouge; in particular, to use a thumb to push or try to push the eye (of a person) out of its socket.
To use a gouge.