

Having a feeling arising from a consciousness of well-being or of enjoyment; enjoying good of any kind, such as comfort, peace, or tranquillity; blissful, contented, joyous.

Experiencing the effect of favourable fortune; favored by fortune or luck; fortunate, lucky, propitious.

(archaic) Elect or saved after death, blessed.

Content, willing, satisfied (with or to do something); having no objection (to something).

📑 Synonyms: pleased

(Of acts, speech, etc.) Appropriate, apt, felicitous.

(in combination) Favoring or inclined to use.

(often followed by "at" or "in") Dexterous, ready, skilful.

{{n-g|Implying 'May you have a happy ~' or similar; used in phrases to wish someone happiness or good fortune at the time of a festival, celebration, or other event or activity.}}

(rare) A happy event, thing, person, etc.

(informal) ''Often followed by'' (up): to become happy; to brighten up, to cheer up.

(informal) ''Often followed by'' (up): to make happy; to brighten, to cheer, to enliven.