

(archaic) To propel or throw (something) hard or violently; to fling, to hurl.

(archaic) To cause (someone or something) to collide with or hit another person or thing; or (two people or things) to collide with or hit each other.

(archaic, figuratively) To attack or criticize (someone) verbally or in writing.

To move rapidly, violently, or without control, especially in a noisy manner.

(archaic) Of a person or thing: to collide with or hit another person or thing, especially with force or violence; also, of two people or things: to collide together; to clash.

(archaic) To make a sound of things clashing or colliding together; to clatter, to rattle; hence, to move with such a sound.

(archaic, figuratively) Of two people, etc.: to meet in a shocking or violent encounter; to clash; to jostle.

An act of colliding with or hitting; a collision.

(figuratively) A rapid or uncontrolled movement; a dash, a rush.

A sound of clashing or colliding; a clattering, a rattling.

(figuratively) (Violent) disagreement; conflict.

(obsolete, rare) Any of several shrubs belonging to the genus Vaccinium; a berry of one of these shrubs.

📑 Synonyms: hurtleberry whortleberry