A restriction; a bound beyond which one may not go.
(mathematics) A value to which a sequence converges. Equivalently, the common value of the upper limit and the lower limit of a sequence: if the upper and lower limits are different, then the sequence has no limit (i.e., does not converge).
(mathematics) Any of several abstractions of this concept of limit.
(category theory) The cone of a diagram through which any other cone of that same diagram can factor uniquely.
(poker) Fixed limit.
The final, utmost, or furthest point; the border or edge.
(obsolete) The space or thing defined by limits.
(obsolete) That which terminates a period of time; hence, the period itself; the full time or extent.
(obsolete) A restriction; a check or curb; a hindrance.
(metaphysics) A determining feature; a distinguishing characteristic.
(cycling) The first group of riders to depart in a handicap race.
(as "the limit") A person who is exasperating, intolerable, astounding, etc.
(poker) Being a fixed limit game.
To restrict; to circumscribe; not to allow to go beyond a certain bound, to set boundaries.
To have a limit in a particular set.
(obsolete) To beg, or to exercise functions, within a certain limited region.