Straw, grass, and similar loose material used as bedding for people or animals.
(obsolete) A bed, especially a pile of straw with blankets &c. used as a bed.
A mobile bed or couch transported upon or suspended from poles placed over human shoulders or animal backs.
(nodot=1), such a vehicle used for transporting the sick and injured, inclusive of designs carried in the hand.
(broadly) The general category of all such similar vehicles, inclusive of sedan chairs, hammock litters, and the like.
(obsolete) An act of giving birth to a number of live young at the same time.
(obsolete) (nodot=1), grass, &c. more generally, particularly in plaster, thatch, and mulch.
The whole group of live young born at the same time, typically in reference to mammals or (pejorative) unpleasant people or objects.
Waste or debris, originally any mess but now particularly trash left or thrown on the ground.
Animal bedding together with its dung.
(uncommon) A bed, a substrate formed from loose materials.
The layer of fallen leaves and other loose organic material on the ground in a forest.
Fuller's earth, clay pellets, wood chips, or other similar loose absorbent materials used for the waste of pet animals.
To drop or throw trash without properly disposing of it (as discarding in public areas rather than trash receptacles).
To scatter carelessly about.
To strew (a place) with scattered articles.
To give birth to, in the manner of animals.
To produce a litter of young.
To supply (cattle etc.) with litter; to cover with litter, as the floor of a stall.
To be supplied with litter as bedding; to sleep or make one's bed in litter.
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