To bring down the size, quantity, quality, value or intensity of something; to diminish, to lower.
To lose weight.
To bring to an inferior rank; to degrade, to demote.
To humble; to conquer; to subdue; to capture.
To bring to an inferior state or condition.
To be forced by circumstances (into something one considers unworthy).
(cooking) To decrease the liquid content of food by boiling much of its water off.
(chemistry) (chemistry) To add electrons / hydrogen or to remove oxygen.
(metallurgy) To produce metal from ore by removing nonmetallic elements in a smelter.
(mathematics) To simplify an equation or formula without changing its value.
(computer science) To express the solution of a problem in terms of another (known) algorithm.
(logic) To convert a syllogism to a clearer or simpler form.
(law) To convert to written form.
(medicine) To perform a reduction; to restore a fracture or dislocation to the correct alignment.
(military) To reform a line or column from (a square).
(military) To strike off the payroll.
(Scots law) To annul by legal means.
(phonetics, phonology) To pronounce (a sound or word) with less effort.
(obsolete) To translate (a book, document, etc.).