(physical) {{n-g|Of shape:}}
Circular or cylindrical; having a circular cross-section in one direction.
Spherical; shaped like a ball; having a circular cross-section in more than one direction.
Loosely or approximately circular.
Lacking sharp angles; having gentle curves.
Complete, whole, not lacking.
(of a number) Convenient for rounding other numbers to; for example, ending in a zero.
(phonetics) Pronounced with the lips drawn together; rounded.
Outspoken; plain and direct; unreserved; not mincing words.
Finished; polished; not defective or abrupt; said of authors or their writing style.
(obsolete) Consistent; fair; just; {{n-g|applied to conduct}}.
Large in magnitude.
(of a fictional character) Well-written and well-characterized; complex and reminiscent of a real person.
(architecture) Vaulted.
Returning to its starting point.
A circular or spherical object or part of an object.
A circular or repetitious route.
A general outburst from a group of people at an event.
A song that is sung by groups of people with each subset of people starting at a different time.
(serving) A serving of something; a portion of something to each person in a group.
A single individual portion or dose of medicine.
(UK) One slice of bread.
One sandwich (two full slices of bread with filling).
(art) A long-bristled, circular-headed paintbrush used in oil and acrylic painting.
A firearm cartridge, bullet, or any individual ammunition projectile. Originally referring to the spherical projectile ball of a smoothbore firearm. Compare round shot and solid shot.
(segment) (sports) One of the specified pre-determined segments of the total time of a sport event, such as a boxing or wrestling match, during which contestants compete before being signaled to stop.
(stage) A stage, level, set of events in a game
(sports) A stage in a competition.
(sports) In some sports, e.g. golf or showjumping: one complete way around the course.
(video games) A stage or level of a game.
(cards) The play after each deal.
(CAD) A rounded relief or cut at an edge, especially an outside edge, added for a finished appearance and to soften sharp edges.
A strip of material with a circular face that covers an edge, gap, or crevice for decorative, sanitary, or security purposes.
(butchery) The hindquarters of a bovine.
(dated) A rung, as of a ladder.
A crosspiece that joins and braces the legs of a chair.
A series of changes or events ending where it began; a series of like events recurring in continuance; a cycle; a periodical revolution.
A course of action or conduct performed by a number of persons in turn, or one after another, as if seated in a circle.
A series of duties or tasks which must be performed in turn, and then repeated.
A circular dance.
Rotation, as in office; succession.
A general discharge of firearms by a body of troops in which each soldier fires once.
An assembly; a group; a circle.
A brewer's vessel in which the fermentation is concluded, the yeast escaping through the bunghole.
(archaic) A vessel filled, as for drinking.
(nautical) A round-top.
A round of beef.
(in US) (around)
(in US) (around)
To shape something into a curve.
To become shaped into a curve.
(with "out") To finish; to complete; to fill out; ''see also round out.
To approximate (a number, especially a decimal number) by the closest whole number, or some other close number, especially a whole number of hundreds, thousands, etc.; ''see also round down, round up.
To turn past a boundary.
To turn and attack someone or something (used with ''on'').
(baseball) To advance to home plate.
To go round, pass, go past.
To encircle; to encompass.
To grow round or full; hence, to attain to fullness, completeness, or perfection.
(colloquial) To do ward rounds.
To go round, as a guard; to make the rounds.
To go or turn round; to wheel about.
(Scotland) To speak in a low tone; whisper; speak secretly; take counsel.
(Scotland) To address or speak to in a whisper, utter in a whisper.
(Scotland) A whisper; whispering.
(Scotland) Discourse; song.