(heading) ''Emotionally negative.''
Feeling sorrow; sorrowful, mournful.
Appearing sorrowful.
Causing sorrow; lamentable.
Poor in quality, bad; shameful, deplorable; later, regrettable, poor.
Of colours: dark, deep; later, sombre, dull.
(obsolete) Sated, having had one's fill; satisfied, weary.
(obsolete) Steadfast, valiant.
(obsolete) Dignified, serious, grave.
(obsolete) {{cap|naughty}}; troublesome; wicked.
(slang) Unfashionable; socially inadequate or undesirable.
(dialect) Soggy (to refer to pastries).
(obsolete) {{cap|heavy}}; weighty; ponderous; close; hard.
(archaic) To make melancholy; to sadden or grieve (someone).
(Arabic letter)
(jocular) {{n-g|Expressing contempt, ridicule or disgust;}} bah!