(peddle, vend, supply in exchange for money) To transfer goods or provide services in exchange for money.
(ergative) To be sold.
(promote (a product or service) although without pay) To promote (a product or service) although not being paid in any direct way or at all.
(promote (a viewpoint)) To promote (a particular viewpoint).
To betray for money or other things.
(slang) To trick, cheat, or manipulate someone.
(slang) To pretend that an opponent's blows or maneuvers are causing legitimate injury; to act.
To throw under the bus; to let down one's own team in an endeavour, especially in a sport or a game.
An act of selling; sale.
(by extension) The promotion of an idea for acceptance.
An easy task.
(dated) An imposition, a cheat; a hoax; a disappointment; anything occasioning a loss of pride or dignity.
(obsolete) A seat or stool.
(archaic) A saddle.
(obsolete) A rope (usually for tying up cattle, but can also mean any sort of rope).