

To spread (a substance, especially one that colours or is dirty) across a surface by rubbing.

📑 Synonyms: apply daub plaster spread

To cover (a surface ''with'' a layer of some substance) by rubbing.

📑 Synonyms: bedaub coat cover daub layer plaster

To make something dirty.

📑 Synonyms: besmirch dirty soil sully

{{qualifier|of a substance, etc.}} To make a surface dirty by covering it.

To damage someone's reputation by slandering, misrepresenting, or otherwise making false accusations about them, their statements, or their actions.

To cause (something) to be messy or not clear by rubbing and spreading it.

📑 Synonyms: blur smudge

To become messy or not clear by being spread.

📑 Synonyms: smudge

To write or draw (something) by spreading a substance on a surface.

To cause (something) to be a particular colour by covering with a substance.

To rub (a body part, etc.) across a surface.

To attempt to remove (a substance) from a surface by rubbing.

(climbing) To climb without using footholds, using the friction from the shoe to stay on the wall.

A mark made by smearing.

📑 Synonyms: streak

A false or unsupported, malicious statement intended to injure a person's reputation.

📑 Synonyms: calumny slander slur mudslinging

(biology) A preparation to be examined under a microscope, made by spreading a thin layer of a substance (such as blood, bacterial culture) on a slide.Edwin Benzel Steen, ''Dictionary of Biology,'' New York: Barnes & Noble, 1971.[]

📑 Synonyms: squash

(medicine) A Pap smear {{gloss|screening test for cervical cancer}}.

📑 Synonyms: cervical smear Pap test

Any of various forms of distortion that make a signal harder to see or hear.

(climbing) A maneuver in which the shoe is placed onto the holdless rock, and the friction from the shoe keeps it in contact

(music) A rough glissando in jazz music.