

To make (something) less innocent or natural; to artificialize.

To make (something) more complex, developed, or refined; to develop, to refine.

To make (oneself or someone) more experienced in the ways of the world, that is, cosmopolitan or worldly-wise; to cosmopolitanize.

(also figuratively) To alter and make impure (something) by mixing it with some foreign or inferior substance, especially with an intention to deceive; to adulterate; (generally) to corrupt or deceive (someone, their thinking, etc.).

To change the meaning of (something) in a deceptive or misleading way.

(archaic) To apply an artificial technique to (something).

To practice sophistry (the (deliberate) making of arguments that seem plausible but are fallacious or misleading).

A person who is experienced in the ways of the world, that is, cosmopolitan or worldly-wise, or who has sophisticated tastes.

Of a person: experienced in the ways of the world; cosmopolitan, worldly-wise.

Of art or other things: appealing to the tastes of an intellectual or sophisticated person; cerebral; also, cultured, elegant, refined.

(obsolete) Mixed with a foreign or inferior substance; not genuine or pure; adulterated, impure.

(obsolete) Of a thing: having its meaning changed in a deceptive or misleading way.