Firm in standing or position; not tottering or shaking; fixed; firm.
Constant in feeling, purpose, or pursuit; not fickle, changeable, or wavering; not easily moved or persuaded to alter a purpose; resolute.
Smooth and not bumpy or with obstructions.
Phlegmatic, calm; not easily upset, excited, or disturbed.
Regular and even.
(dated) With whom one is going steady.
(predicative) {{cap|confident}} and cool-headed under pressure; competent; reliable, adept.
(figurative) To stabilize; to prevent from shaking.
To become stable.
(AAVE) {{n-g|Aspect marker indicating consistency or intensity.}}
A rest or support, as for the hand, a tool, or a piece of work.
(informal) A regular boyfriend or girlfriend.
(informal) A prostitute's regular customer.
(informal) To row with pressure at a low stroke-rating, often 18 strokes per minute.
(Singlish) {{cap|alright}}!, way to go!, nice!