

Tending to stick; able to adhere via the drying of a viscous substance.

Difficult, awkward.

Of a death: unpleasant, grisly.

Of weather: hot and windless and with high humidity, so that people feel sticky from sweating.

Mawkish, sentimental.

(finance) Tending to stay the same; resistant to change.

(of a setting) Persistent.

(of a window) Appearing on all virtual desktops.

(of threads on a bulletin board) Fixed at the top of the list of topics or threads so as to keep it in view.

(of a website) Compelling enough to keep visitors from leaving.

(informal) Resembling or characteristic of a stick.

A sticky note, such as a post-it note.

(internet) A discussion thread fixed at the top of the list of topics or threads so as to keep it in view.

(manufacturing) A small adhesive particle found in wastepaper.

(colloquial) A sweet dessert wine.

(slang) Sticky-icky; marijuana, especially the sticky, resin-covered buds.


to fix a thread at the top of the list of topics or threads so as to keep it in view.