

Not normal; odd, unusual, surprising, out of the ordinary, often with a negative connotation.

📑 Synonyms: Thesaurus:strange

Unfamiliar, not yet part of one's experience.

(of sex, genitals, etc) Outside of one's current relationship; unfamiliar.

(particle physics) Having the quantum mechanical property of strangeness.

(math) Of an attractor: having a fractal structure.

(obsolete) Belonging to another country; foreign.

(obsolete) {{cap|reserved}}; distant in deportment.

(obsolete) {{cap|backward}}; slow.

(obsolete) Not familiar; unaccustomed; inexperienced.

(law) Not belonging to one.

To alienate; to estrange.

To be estranged or alienated.

To wonder; to be astonished at (something).

{{cap|sex}} outside of one's current relationship.

A strange quark.