To hurl; to release (an object) with some force from one’s hands, an apparatus, etc. so that it moves rapidly through the air.
To eject or cause to fall off.
(ceramics) To make (a pot) by shaping clay as it turns on a wheel.
(of a bowler) To deliver (the ball) illegally by straightening the bowling arm during delivery.
(computing) To send (an error) to an exception-handling mechanism in order to interrupt normal processing.
(video games) To intentionally lose a game.
(of a game where one’s role is throwing something) To perform in a specified way in (a match).
(informal) To confuse or mislead.
(figuratively) To send hastily or desperately.
To imprison.
To organize an event, especially a party.
To roll (a die or dice).
To cause a certain number on the die or dice to be shown after rolling it.
(bridge) To discard.
(martial arts) To lift or unbalance one’s opponent and then bring him back down to the ground, especially into a position behind the thrower.
To change (one’s voice) in order to give the illusion that the voice is that of someone else, or coming from a different place.
To show sudden emotion, especially anger.
To project or send forth.
To put on hastily; to spread carelessly. (I don't see that "spreading" could be any meaning of "putting on". Was it meant to be a second meaning?)
To twist two or more filaments of (silk, etc.) so as to form one thread; to twist together, as singles, in a direction contrary to the twist of the singles themselves; sometimes applied to the whole class of operations by which silk is prepared for the weaver.
(of a team, a manager, etc.) To select (a pitcher); to assign a pitcher to a given role (such as starter or reliever).
To install (a bridge).
(Northern England) To twist or turn.
(American football) (pass)
(of a punch or boxing combination) To deliver.
(veterinary medicine) Of animals: to give birth to (young).
The act of throwing something.
(martial arts) A move in which one lifts or unbalances one’s opponent and then brings him down to the ground.
One’s ability to throw.
(section = throw (2)) The distance travelled by something thrown.
{{rfv-sense|en}} The flight of a thrown object.
(displacement) A distance travelled in general; displacement.
A piece of fabric used to cover a bed, sofa or other soft furnishing.
(informal) A single instance, occurrence, venture, or chance.
(historical) A hand-operated lathe, especially a small lathe used by clockmakers.
(obsolete) A moment, time, occasion.
(obsolete) A period of time; a while.