

(fencing) An attack made by moving the sword parallel to its length and landing with the point.

A push, stab, or lunge forward (the act thereof.)

📑 Synonyms: break dart grab

(aerodynamics) The force generated by propulsion, as in a jet engine.

📑 Synonyms: lift push

(figuratively) The primary effort; the goal.

📑 Synonyms: focus gist point

To make advance with force.

📑 Synonyms: attack charge rush

To force something upon someone.

📑 Synonyms: compel charge force

To push out or extend rapidly or powerfully.

📑 Synonyms: dart reach stab

To push or drive with force; to shove.

📑 Synonyms: press thring thrutch

To enter by pushing; to squeeze in.

📑 Synonyms: break in force in

To stab; to pierce; usually with ''through''.

📑 Synonyms: jab run through Thesaurus:stab