

Firmly held together; compact; not loose or open.

Unyielding or firm.

Under high tension; taut.

(colloquial) Scarce, hard to come by.

(of persons or relationships) Intimate, close, close-knit, intimately friendly.

(derogatory) Miserly or frugal.

(of a space, design or arrangement) Narrow, such that it is difficult for something or someone to pass through it.

Fitting close, or too close, to the body.

Of a turn, sharp, so that the timeframe for making it is narrow and following it is difficult.

Lacking holes; difficult to penetrate; waterproof.

Well-rehearsed and accurate in execution.

(sport) Not conceding many goals.

(slang) Intoxicated; drunk.

(slang) Extraordinarily great or special.

(regional) Mean; unfair; unkind.

(of time) Limited or restricted.

(obsolete) Not ragged; whole; neat; tidy.

(obsolete) Handy; adroit; brisk.

(poker) Of a player, who plays very few hands. {{rfex|en}}

(poker) Using a strategy which involves playing very few hands. {{rfex|en}}

(motor racing) With understeer, primarily used to describe NASCAR stock cars.

(slang) Angry or irritated.

(vulgar) Of either the anus or a vagina of a woman, still intact due to virginity or not engaging in sexual intercourse often.

(vulgar) Of a person, especially a woman, having a tight vagina or other orifice.

Firmly, so as not to come loose easily.


(obsolete) To make tight; tighten.

(of a vessel) To make water-tight.