

A distressing or dangerous situation.

A difficulty, problem, condition, or action contributing to such a situation.

A person liable to place others or themselves in such a situation.

The state of being troubled, disturbed, or distressed mentally; unease, disquiet.

Objectionable feature of something or someone; problem, drawback, weakness, failing, or shortcoming.

Violent or turbulent occurrence or event; unrest, disturbance.

Efforts taken or expended, typically beyond the normal required.

Difficulty in doing something.

Health problems, ailment, generally of some particular part of the body.

A malfunction.

{{cap|liability}} to punishment; conflict with authority.

(mining) A fault or interruption in a stratum.

(Cockney rhyming slang) {{cap|wife}}. (trouble and strife)

📑 Synonyms: Thesaurus:wife

(dated) An unplanned, unwanted or undesired pregnancy.

(rare) To disturb, stir up, agitate (a medium, especially water).

📑 Synonyms: inturbidate muddle roil stir

(to distress)To mentally distress; to cause (someone) to be anxious or perplexed.

📑 Synonyms: distress torment Thesaurus:vex

In weaker sense: to bother or inconvenience.

(of ailments, etc.) To physically afflict.

To take pains (to) do something; to bother.

To worry; to be anxious.

📑 Synonyms: angst anxietize cark fret