{{cap|beneath}}; below; at or to the bottom of, or the area covered or surmounted by.
Below the surface of.
From one side of to the other, passing beneath.
Less than.
Subject to.
Subordinate to; subject to the control of; in accordance with; in compliance with.
Within the category, classification or heading of.
(figuratively) In the face of; in response to (some attacking force).
Using or adopting (a name, identity, etc.).
In or to a lower or subordinate position, or a position beneath or below something, physically or figuratively.
So as to pass beneath something.
(usually in compounds) Less than what is necessary to be adequate or suitable; insufficient.
(informal) In or into an unconscious state.
Down to defeat, ruin, or death.
Lower; beneath something.
In a state of subordination, submission or defeat.
(colloquial) Under anesthesia, especially general anesthesia; sedated.
(informal) Having a particular property that is low, especially so as to be insufficient or lacking in a particular respect.
The amount by which an actual total is less than the expected or required amount.
(informal) Something having a particular property that is low or too low.
(gambling) A bet that a particular sporting statistic, such as points scored in a game, will be below a certain stated value.