To the furthest or most extreme extent; absolute, complete, total, unconditional.
(rare) Of a substance: pure, unmixed.
(Scotland) Of decisions, replies, etc.: made in an unconditional or unqualified manner; decisive, definite.
(poetic) Further out than another thing; being the exterior or outer part of something; outer, outward; also, extremely remote.
(rare) Preceding all others; original.
(rare) Succeeding all others; final, last, ultimate.
(rare) The thing which is most utter ''(adjective sense)'' or extreme.
{{non-gloss|Senses relating to expressing sounds, etc., or disclosing something}}
# ''Sometimes preceded by'' forth,'' out, etc.'': to produce (a cry, speech, or other sounds) with the voice.
# To verbally express or report (a desire or emotion, an idea or thought, etc.).
# (reflexive) To express (oneself) in speech or writing.
# (figurative) Of a thing: to produce (a noise or sound); to emit.
# (obsolete) To disclose or reveal (something secret or unknown); to bring to light.
# (reflexive) To disclose or reveal the identity or nature of (oneself or someone, or something).
# (reflexive) To display or show (itself or something).
# To speak.
# Of words, etc.: to be spoken.
{{non-gloss|Senses relating to issuing something.}}
# (rare) To publish (something).
# (law) To put (currency or other valuable items) into circulation; specifically, to pass off (counterfeit currency, etc.) as legal tender; to use (a forged cheque) as if genuine.
# (obsolete) To supply (something); to furnish, to provide.
# (obsolete) To offer (something, such as goods) for barter or sale; also, to sell (something); to vend.
# (rare) To announce that (something) is available for sale; to cry.
# (rare) To distribute or issue (something) from, or as if from, a stock of items.
# (dialectal) To discharge or send out (something); to eject, to emit.
(obsolete) Of goods: to be purchased; to sell.
Further apart, away, or out; outside, without.
To an extreme extent; altogether, quite.