To finish; to make done; to reach the end.
To make whole or entire.
(poker) To call from the small blind in an unraised pot.
With all parts included; with nothing missing; full.
Finished; ended; concluded; completed.
{{non-gloss|Generic intensifier}}.
(of a metric space or topological group) In which every Cauchy sequence converges to a point within the space.
(of a local ring)(Algebra) Complete as a topological group with respect to its m-adic topology, where m is its unique maximal idea.
(of a lattice) In which every set with a lower bound has a greatest lower bound.
(of a category) In which all small limits exist.
(of a proof system of a formal system with respect to a given semantics) In which every semantically valid well-formed formula is provable.Sainsbury, Mark [2001] ''Logical Forms : An Introduction to Philosophical Logic''. Blackwell Publishing, Hong Kong (2010), page 358.
(of a problem) That is in a given complexity class and is such that every other problem in the class can be reduced to it (usually in polynomial time or logarithmic space).
A completed (survey).